To sit down and play and a game of Bananagrams with each of my daughters. (All our phones will be in a different room while we play).
This is a simple experiment during May 2019 to help each of us keep the promise to ourselves of protecting one moment per day for a ‘High Quality Pause’.
To Help Our Brain Find A Moment like This…
Post your High Quality Pause Commitment here today - takes 1 minute - live in 24h
The behavioural science shows that by making the commitment we inspire others to do the same - how many people do we know who clearly need a moment for them?
For each commitment made before 20th May 2019 Sam will donate £1 to the suicide prevention charity Papyrus (to a maximum value of £500).
You can search for HQP commitments here or just scroll down
To sit down and play and a game of Bananagrams with each of my daughters. (All our phones will be in a different room while we play).