One simple way to test getting in the flow state, strengthening a relationship and reducing anxious feelings.

Register here - Monday 24th Jan 11am - 12pm

What’s the simplest way to protect ourselves from Blue Monday? That question is the inspiration for this pilot.

The third Monday in January is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. Cited as being the most depressing day of the year. Although there is little science to support this statistic the anecdotal data is clear (in this case what colleagues, family and friends tell me); lots of people struggle in January in one way or another. Be it the darkness, the need to budget, the resolutions they didn’t stick to, how covid restrictions might change - it’s a long list. Therefore it’s not surprising that we might experience negative thoughts, self criticism, feelings of seperation and generally feel more pessimistic.

What can we do about it? The Write To Feel Light pilot is an experiment to see if one simple action can help us feel better in the short term and become a useful habit to manage our mental wellbeing more effectively in the long term.

The Details

  • Register here - Monday 24th Jan 11am - 12pm

  • Our main aim is to use a special formula to write a postcard or letter to one person

  • Learn the science behind the many ways this supports our brain and emotional health

  • Including; getting into the flow state, strengthening a relationship and increasing confidence

  • Combine the above with a simple Mini Mindfulness technique + some bonus techniques to reduce distraction and increase flow state each day

  • I am funding it, there is no cost to you, places are limited

What routines or habits do you have in place to help you recharge focus and manage negative thoughts? I can’t promise that this session will transform how you feel but I am confident it will bring you at least some small benefit.