On my way to a meeting in London last week I was inspired by someone encouraging us to donate a coat in November. The campaign is called Wrap Up London and I loved the simplicity. I donate a spare coat and someone benefits.
I’m combining our impulse to help others keep warm with the permission to pause. Most of us are aware we could benefit by pausing more to reduce stress, find perspective, recharge focus and strengthen resilience. But we struggle to give ourselves this permission.
Therefore when you donate a coat (or two) next week I will give you a simple Recharge Refocus card and wristband in return. Making it easier to help make sure you give yourself permission to pause.
It’s easier for us to give ourselves permission to pause if we feel we have ‘earnt it’. One could say defining that is a key part of managing our mental wellbeing effectively. One thing is for sure, by donating a coat to help someone stay warm, you have definitely earnt a moment for you.
(+ Marie Kondo would be proud, decluttering and helping someone at the same time).
Locations, Dates & Times:
The target is 50 coats in 5 days. Your spare coat makes a difference.
Thursday 21st NOV Cam Uni LOCATION - drop by anytime 12pm - 1pm
Friday 22nd NOV Addenbrookes LOCATION - drop by anytime
Once all the coats are in I will work out how to get them to London on Saturday 23rd November. If you want to get involved and would like to help then… or if you cant donate a coat then you can donate here