Make tough moments easier

Over 100 studies in 1 pack of tissues

Order above for your family or submit your email if you’d like prices and guidance on how they are used to support wellbeing in organisations via managers and Mental Health First Aiders.


 What’s the idea behind Tissues 4 Issues?

  • Make it easier for people to cope in tough moments

  • Provide ‘hold in the hand’ support that Families, HR, Mental Health First Aiders and Managers can use to offer support quickly and effectively

  • Combine with Habit Cards to provide proven self management techniques in three vital areas: focus, sleep, relationships.


What makes Tissues 4 Issues unique?

  • Many people have a strong urge to help others but sometimes hold back because they are worried about saying the wrong thing, but with Tissues 4 Issues supporting someone is as simple as handing them a pack of tissues or Habit Card (or both!)

  • Makes it easier for families and colleagues to express kindness and strengthen psychological safety, opening the door to valuable conversations

  • Online resources provide information but humans respond best to physical tools and real people