
Stronger Teams

More Effective. More Resilient. Kinder.

Proven, effective methods, with noticeable results within one week.

"Studies show that teams with higher levels of trust and stronger relationships are more resilient and manage workload more effectively."

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Key Points

  • Session content delivered live via webinar (or onsite) for up to 50 staff

  • The Stronger Teams session is a 75 minute session

  • This is followed by a ‘Nudge Course’ the following week to help attendees convert proven techniques into useful habits. One technique per day.

  • Includes Mental Health nurse support for all attendees 48 hours following the session

  • A mini recap is sent to all staff the following day including a link to view a recording of the session before the end of the day (midnight).

  • Important Note: Stronger Teams is most effective when dedicated to one team or department. For smaller organisations mixed team groups is fine.


Session Content

  • Learn how the quality of our relationships is the biggest influencing factor on a teams performance and resilience - latest research

  • Learn how to establish team habits which help maintain relationships while remote working

  • An active listening technique, proven by science, to help us develop trust and communicate more effectively

  • Practice a mini mindfulness technique to help you cope and recover with stressful thoughts - improve relationship with ourselves

  • Agree two simple team habits to test over the next two weeks

  • Plan to take one action in the next 24 hours to strengthen a relationship important to you



Live Webinar £650 - up 50 staff

Live Webinar £950 - up to 100 staff

Live Onsite £850 - up to 50 staff

Live Onsite £1200 - up to 100


The Inspiration

Many people are managed with negative data; what's gone wrong, mistakes, how far behind target, etc. This data is obviously vital and important. However, it causes a sensation of almost continual stress and anxiety. While also creating a mindset of ‘let's look for the negative’. This is then combined with a huge volume of work and ever shorter deadlines.

The resilience of the human brain is just like a team, it never stands still. It's either getting stronger or its getting weaker. 

The aim of the Stronger Teams session is to equip teams with proven techniques which can quickly become useful habits. To help everyone reduce stress, enhance focus and strengthen relationships. Helping teams cope better and perform better. To recover more quickly from tough situations. Creating a simple process that helps protect staffs mental wellbeing while improving performance.


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