How can we help our staff work effectively from home?
How can we support staff to manage the stress of difficult thoughts and emotions?
From scientists to surgeons, academics to administrators. In March 2020 many of our world leading clients wanted to move their mental wellbeing training to webinar. Fortunately, we were prepared.
In 2016 one of our international clients asked for a webinar session to help support remote teams. From that point forward we’ve learnt how to deliver mental wellbeing webinar sessions that engage and empower staff.
Our most popular sessions in this format are Recharge & Refocus and Master Time & Focus. Read more here.
Demand for remote working needs led to our founder Sam designing two new dedicated webinar sessions. Optimise Remote Working and Calm Resilience.
All webinar sessions include:
Client books a date/s for mental wellbeing webinar
We send you a template invitation - staff can sign up for the session, up to 100 staff per session
Tiny Pause then sends a direct meeting invite for the webinar to all those who sign up
Webinar is delivered live with Q&A at the end of the session
Nudge Course will follow (Mon - Thu post session) to help attendees convert proven techniques into useful habits
Confidential Mental Health Nurse support is made available to all attendees for 48 hours after the session
We’ve helped over 12,000 professionals reduce stress, enhance focus and strengthen resilience.
Let us know what your aims are and we will do our best to help. Click below - takes 20 seconds.