What are our 3 Main Aims?

  • Learn how to confidently reassure someone you are worried about that they are not alone; from a colleague at work to a child at home

  • Practice simple techniques to take that vital first step via text, email or face to face

  • Plan to reach out to one person you are concerned about this week

It’s never been more important to reach out to someone yet it’s never felt as hard. Poor mental health is on the increase, communication skills are on the decrease. The trend is global; less time socialising, more time on phones.
— Sam Thorogood, Tiny Pause Founder
Smartphones are addictive, disrupt sleep, fragment attention and deprive people of real-world interaction
— Jonathan Haidt, Social psychologist, NYU
36% of people never make space in their day to talk about their problems

Why is the Skill to Reach Out so Important?

This famous 70 year Harvard study shows that relationships influence our lives more than anything else. They influence our ability to manage stress, to feel safe, to concentrate, to problem solve and most importantly our self worth.

But where was our training on relationships? We have to get a licence to drive a car safely but what test do we have to take to navigate relationships at work and home?

Relationships are our biggest skills gap. They are also one of the simplest and most powerful ways to improve how we feel and perform.

Smartphones magnify loneliness. We are communicating more but meaningful connecting less. 100’s of studies show phones are detrimental to the relationship we have with ourselves causing self criticism, impaired focus, increased anxiety and poor sleep.

The Reach Out Campaign is focused on helping people learn vital skills to reach out to one person today. A colleague who seems out of sorts, your child who isn't themselves, a friend you know is putting in a brave face. Our choice is stark. Either we learn to reach out to provide vital support, or the chances are that person will suffer in silence.


How does it link in with the aims of the Health & Safety Executive?

The law requires all employers to prevent work related stress to support good mental health in the workplace.

The HSE have developed the Working Minds framework to provide a clear structure on the steps organisations need to take to help staff manage stress and mental health. The first step is reaching out. Its impossible to effectively support staff mental wellbeing without this step. Yet 79% of managers have never had any form training on how to manage their teams. You can read more about working minds here

The Reach Out Campaign empowers mangers and all staff to…………..


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