Protect Focus

The simplest way to get the work done

Protect Focus uses simple techniques proven by neuroscience to help you reach the flow state and make progress with a task you need to get done.

We created Protect Focus because 100’s of our clients said “I’m struggling with workload” “I’m finding it hard to focus” and “I feel tired and distracted”. Have you felt the same?

The insight that inspired Protect Focus is simple; one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and increase confidence is to make progress with a task you need to get done.

How does it work?

You book in for a Protect Focus session ‘Schedule Appointment’

It’s 1 hour commitment class for you to focus on a task of your choice

  • The first 10 mins we help you prepare and ‘warm up’ your mindset

  • Then we set a 40 minute timer for everyone to get into the flow state and focus on a task of your choice

  • Then last 10 mins we help you plan a restorative break for later that day to help your reduce stress and recharge focus energy

Useful things to know

Protect Focus is a new project and initially classes are Thursdays at 10am. We will expand class availability in the coming weeks. Click ‘Schedule Appointment’ to see date options.

Each class costs £5 or you can buy a 5 class pass for £20.

We send you a few tips to help you prepare for focus prior to your class.

At the end of each class is the option to stay on for a bonus 5 minute Mini Mindfulness practice - to help you release stress and get perspective.

As you can see we’ve kept class prices very low. A take away Magnum ice cream is about £2. And it’s delicious. But does it help me feel as good as making a progress with a task thats been weighing on my mind?

Easy ways to read about the science of Protect Focus

Why the modern world is bad for your brain by Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin - read here

Context Switching Is Hurting Your Productivity and Brain Health - read here

3 Surprising Benefits Of Flow State - read here

What Are The Top 3 Flow State Benefits? - read here

Friends With Benefits: Social Accountability Increases Physical Activity - read here