For making the RAM process fun to be a part of! Enjoy your long xmas break, you've earned it!
From Diana Esguerra to Chiara Sangiorgio
Thank you for your support this year and for always being there to answer my questions.
From Roz McGregor to Madeleine Penman
Thank you so much for all your support and your emails/comments saying thank you for my contributions to the Mexico team! :)
From Juliana to Americas Campaigners
Thank you for all the passion, commitment and good humor when working on our campaigns in the region. Your spirit inspires me everyday.
From Nathalie Mont-Dupart to LRC management team
Thanks for your continuing support, all of you. It really makes a big difference to me.
From Dana to Kellie Lord - Thomas
Big thank you for your support and guidance - much appreciated! Really glad I have you as my boss!
From Dana to My Workplace team colleagues
Big thank you for all your help and being great colleagues to work with. You are great!
From Dana to Maria, Naoise and Louise in Reception team
BIG thank you for all the hard work you are doing! you are great!
From Sujit Peris to Jules Chalmers
Thanks for being a great boss through the year and for helping me be better.
From Mary to Jules
Thanks for being so patient with me over the last weeks. Thank you for everything you did - it helped more than you could imagine.
From Nicki to Naomi Dixon
Thanks for all your work to excellently manage the recent FAC and AICL meetings - especially being so new, I know it was a lot of work, and I really do appreciate it.
From Katie Foster to The Workplace Team
Thank you for being the friendly faces that greet us in the morning, keep us warm/cool, sort our parcels, unblock our toilets, keep the coffee coming and much much more. Nothing is ever too much trouble and you do a great job keeping things running quietly in the background.
From Richard Swingler to The whole of the accounts payable team
Thanks to all of you for your continued hard work and good humour in processing invoices and keeping our suppliers paid. Thank you for all your hard work it's really appreciated.
From Richard Eastmond to The whole People and Services Directorate - all 90 of you
Thank you for the energy of your contribution in this weeks Directorate meeting discussing behaviours and the work you have collectively done in 2017 providing the range of services we do wherever our people are operating in the world. Great suff. Do please keep on keepin' on.
From Anastasia to Marcelina Castañeda
Thank you for teaching me everything I need to become someone in this world. Your efforts and your feedback mean a lot to me!
From Duhbeed :) to Fiona Bolt
Thanks for being a supportive, friendly and encouraging manager (and I'm not brown-nosing here!)
From Amelia to ODHR for making me feel welcome!
Thank you for making me feel welcome!
From Virginia to Patricia and Laura at the LRC's Interpretation Unit
Thanks you both for your constant support, both on a our daily work and on a personal level. It is a privilege to be part of the team!
From Tracey Mallinson to Federica Spillare
Thanks for always being so helpful and insightful - and always getting the job done no matter what!
From Yasamin Alttahir to Isabelle Pereira and Miguel Belenda
Thank you for being such a huge help during my first couple of weeks, i know it was a lot of work and i am very grateful.