The more accurately we can describe what we feel, the higher the chance we will identity;

  • Why we feel the way we feel

  • Find a useful next step to manage our situation

Anguish – severe mental or emotional distress.

Anxiety – a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.

Frustration – the feeling of being upset or annoyed, often due to being unable to achieve something.

Despair – a loss of hope; feeling of hopelessness.

Grief – deep sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.

Loneliness – feeling isolated or disconnected from others.

Shame – a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by wrong or foolish behavior.

Guilt – a feeling of responsibility or remorse for a wrongdoing.

Resentment – bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Fear – an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Disappointment – sadness or displeasure caused by unfulfilled expectations.

Jealousy – the feeling of envy or resentment towards someone’s success or advantages.

Envy – wanting what someone else has, whether it's possessions, traits, or experiences.

Bitterness – a strong feeling of hostility or resentment.

Dread – a feeling of great fear about something in the future.

Insecurity – lack of confidence or certainty about oneself or one's position.

Hopelessness – a feeling that nothing good will happen; lack of optimism.

Regret – sorrow or remorse for something that has happened or been done.

Panic – sudden, uncontrollable fear or anxiety.

Helplessness – feeling powerless or unable to do anything in a situation.

Overwhelm – being buried by an emotion or situation that feels too much to handle.

Sadness – a general feeling of sorrow or unhappiness.

Desolation – extreme loneliness or a feeling of being abandoned.

Disgust – a strong feeling of aversion or disapproval.

Rejection – feeling unloved, unwanted, or dismissed.

Confusion – the feeling of being perplexed or unclear.

Alienation – feeling isolated or estranged from others or oneself.

Disillusionment – the feeling of disappointment from discovering something isn't as good as it seemed.

Worry – a state of anxiety or concern about something uncertain.

Terror – intense, overwhelming fear.

Anger – a strong feeling of displeasure or rage.

Vulnerability – feeling exposed or open to emotional hurt.

Betrayal – the feeling of being deceived or abandoned by someone trusted.

Powerlessness – the feeling of being unable to influence or change a situation.

Mortification – extreme embarrassment or shame.

Contempt – a feeling that someone or something is beneath consideration.

Yearning – an intense longing or desire for something unattainable.

Nostalgia – a bittersweet longing for the past.

Pessimism – a tendency to see the worst in things; lack of hope.

Self-pity – feeling sorry for oneself, often leading to dwelling on negative emotions.

Dissatisfaction – the feeling of not being content or happy with something.

Distrust – a feeling of doubt or suspicion towards others.

Emptiness – a sense of inner void or lack of fulfillment.

Irritation – a mild form of annoyance or displeasure.

Skepticism – doubt about the truth or authenticity of something.

Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Resignation – the feeling of accepting something unpleasant as inevitable.

Rage – violent, uncontrollable anger.

Hatred – an intense feeling of dislike or hostility.

Exasperation – intense frustration or annoyance, especially after repeated attempts.

Conflicted – feeling torn between different desires or emotions.

Suffocation – a feeling of being overwhelmed or trapped by emotions or circumstances.

Misery – a state of deep unhappiness or suffering.

Fretfulness – the state of being irritable or worried.

Weariness – extreme tiredness, especially emotional exhaustion.

Disheartenment – loss of spirit or courage.

Inferiority – feeling less worthy or capable than others.

Agitation – a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.

Restlessness – an inability to relax or remain calm due to underlying discomfort.

Exclusion – the feeling of being left out or ignored.